Minimalism: 20 things from my journey

  1. I don’t seek happiness in buying things any more.
  2. For the whole of last year and more significantly, since the beginning of this year, I have been selling / donating / passing on stuff which has lost value for me.
  3. We don’t watch TV (for a couple of years now). When I read about the influence of TV on young kids, it is such a relief that I don’t have to deal with it.
  4. I refuse to let my smart phone act smart with me. I have no App on my phone. I keep reading about how mobile shopping is the next thing in e-commerce. Well, bring it on.
  5. I am not thrilled by gifts any more. In fact, I have passed strict instructions to close family not to give me any gifts.
  6. I can be calm during the onslaught of ‘SALE’ season. Books sale can still get me though, especially children’s books. But I have slowed down on that aspect too.
  7. I believe in getting out of the vicious cycle of home loans – the bigger the house, the bigger the loans. And with the skyrocketing, unrealistic real estate rates, I don’t intend to fall back into that trap again.
  8. I don’t throw parties for celebrating occasions, not even for our son’s birthdays. I want to encourage the thought that celebrations need not necessarily mean parties.
  9. My dreams are not about stuff but about pursuing my passions. I quit my job to pursue writing. My blogs give me purpose.
  10. I am conscious of the influence of technology on us and therefore I strive to be an example for our son to learn self-control.
  11. For our son, I believe in an education that is not too tiring or burdensome. The involvement of parents and having the time to explore things of interest are important.
  12. I have been careful in buying clothes and toys for our son. Both of us, my husband and I, do not believe in buying too many things at once for him. And when we choose to buy something expensive like a cycle or Lego blocks, we take our time.
  13. I try to give my son as much home-cooked food as possible. I avoid saying ‘No’ to junk food because once you ban something, it gets irresistible. I don’t stock junk food at home but once we are out, I don’t stop him if he asks for it once in a while.
  14. This year my focus is also on health – my family’s and my own. I started exercising at the beginning of this year. So far, so good.
  15. I bathe in regular tap water – come sunshine or rain. Yes, all through the year. It has been close to 2 years now. It has its own merits.
  16. I have accepted the idea that there is no wisdom in hoarding books. Once I dreamed of creating a home library, but now I wish only for a reading nook.
  17. I don’t care about someone’s bigger house or a shiny new car. I am quite content with what I have.
  18. I give immense importance to mindful family time. There is no substitute to spending time with each other and bonding. Kids grow up so fast!
  19. Parenting, Pursuing Passion, Family and Health are top most priorities for me.
  20. I believe that if I don’t change anything, nothing changes. Not original, I know. But apt.

6 thoughts on “Minimalism: 20 things from my journey

    1. Sorry for replying so late. Yes, you are right, we tend to run after wrong things. And the sooner we realize that, the better it is. But I get enough of ‘but why do you want to do this’!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Ain’t your life simpler now??
    Wish to incorporate many points from this list, few I already follow but many more to go!!!

    P.S. You never shared this link per se….I just followed you


    1. As usual, I was inactive on this blog too for a while and did not reply to your comment sooner. But you are an angel, thanks for dropping by 🙂
      I am still struggling to make it simple. We accumulate so much stuff that getting out of it is extremely challenging and frustrating. Now I am very cautious about buying stuff.


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